Jane Jin Kaisen: The Andersons, 2015
Nita Vera: Dinner Time, 2011
Sasha Huber, Agassiz, The Mixed Traces Series. Somatological Triptych of Sasha Huber I, Furnas de Agassiz in the Tijuca Forest, Brazil, 2010
Sasha Huber, Agassiz, The Mixed Traces Series. Somatological Triptych of Sasha Huber IV, Agassiz Range, New Zealand, 2015
Michelle Eistrup, This Particular Masquerade, Unmasked 2, 2013
Michelle Eistrup, This Particular Masquerade, Unmasked 4, 2013
Lilibeth Cuenca, Davide, 2009
Lilibeth Cuenca, Untitled, 2009
Henrik Lund Jørgensen, The Recruitment (And Escape) Of A Plastic Soldier, 2015, still image from video work
Carla Zaccagnini, The Invention of Europe, 2015. Photo: Virve Laustela / The Finnish Museum of Photography.