This seminar will focus on the relationships between artists and curators. From viewing these relationships through the perspective of power dynamics, care, and sharing, the discussions during the seminar will raise questions about how artists and curators, as cultural agents, shape, manage, and nurture these collaborative relationships.
The program is open to all and free of charge. For accessibility information about The Finnish Museum of Photography, please visit valokuvataiteenmuseo.fi/en/visit-us/accessibility.
PROGRAM: Artists and Curators Working Together: How and With Whom?
February 15, 2024
Welcome and Introduction
Keynote by Tanvi Mishra
10:30-11:30 with Q& A
Artists and Curators - working with equity
Maija Karhunen and Satu Herrala in dialogue, moderated by Orlan Ohtonen
11:30- 12:30 with Q& A
Lunch Break
Artists and Curators - working with communities
Wisam Elfadl and Wanda Holopainen in dialogue, moderated by Päiviö Maurice Omwami
13:30 – 14:30 with Q& A
Artists as Curators - working double roles
Kosminen Collective and Lahti Association of Photographic Artists in dialogue, moderataed by Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger
14:30 – 15:30 with Q& A
Collaboration of Artists and Curators – OOTM Case Studies
Dialogues with Steffi Klenz and Michael Raymond, Batia Sutter and Francesca Marcaccio, Bogdan Chthulu Smith and Taous Dahmani
15:30-16:45 with Q& A
Final Greetings
16:45 – 17:00
The seminar is organized as part of the EU-project Out of the Metropolis, OOTM
Out of the Metropolis - Art exchange across borders is a three-year project that aims to explore and support insight and innovation in the field of co-creation and circulation of visual art, and in particular contemporary photographic practices, across borders. Out of the Metropolis is initiated as a collaboration between NOUA (NO), Doubledummy (FR) and The Finish Museum of Photography (FI).
SIGN UP HERE for the seminar, attendance is free of charge: https://forms.gle/soJJ767Qmyk4zNgB7